unlicensed contractors Hurricane Ian made direct landfall in Southwest Florida, destroying thousands of homes and buildings. The destruction will now require the mobilization of hundreds of contractors in the construction industry. Unfortunately, a tragedy like Hurricane Ian will also attract a number of unlicensed contractors who will try and take advantage of desperate victims trying to rebuild their homes and businesses.

As Southwest Florida starts the rebuilding phase, here are a few things residents should be aware of:

Before you hire a contractor, ask to see their state-issued license

Whether you need roof repairs or mold-related services, you want to ensure the person you hire is licensed and insured. The definition of “contractor” under Section 489.105, Florida Statutes, requires that any person who seeks to

construct, repair, alter, remodel, add to, demolish, subtract from, or improve any building or structure” must have a license.

Allowing an unlicensed contractor to perform work on your property puts you at risk of liability and could cost you more in the end. Generally, unlicensed contractors do not have workers’ compensation and liability insurance. As a result, the property owner may be liable for any injuries that occur on site.

You may check your contractor’s license by going to www.myfloridalicense.com.

Unlicensed contracting is a felony

In Florida, unlicensed contracting is generally charged as a first-degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to one year in jail or 12 months of probation, and a $1,000.00 fine.Continue Reading Unlicensed Contractors: What You Need to Know

As a result of Hurricane Ian, permits and development orders may qualify for an extension. According to Florida Statute § 252.363, when a governor declares a state of emergency permits can be extended for the duration of the state of emergency. Additionally, permits will be extended six months after the state of emergency expires.

Executive Order 22-218, which declared a state of emergency, was made effective on September 23rd, 2022, and if it is not extended, it will expire 60 days after its announcement, which is November 22nd, 2022.

First, it is important to note which counties are affected by this state of emergency. Initially, Executive Order 22-218 declared a state of emergency for a list of specific counties. But, on September 24th, 2022 Governor Desantis issued Executive Order 22-219 expanding the state of emergency from the specific counties originally listed to the entire state of Florida.Continue Reading Due to Hurricane Ian, Florida development orders and permits qualify for extensions

A large part of my law practice deals with “takings”—a situation where a government authority with the power to condemn, or a private entity with the power to condemn, has taken private property. Takings falls primarily into one of two large categories:

  1. “Direct takings,” which is when a government or private entity, like a utility, files a lawsuit to acquire private property through the court system; and
  2. “Inverse” or indirect condemnation, which is when a government or private entity has taken private property without using the court system.

In the case, Orlando Bar Group, LLC d/b/a The Basement, The Attic and the Treehouse v. DeSantis, the Fifth District Court of Appeal decided that Governor DeSantis’s executive orders from March 2020 did not amount to a taking of private property. Even though Governor DeSantis’s executive orders:

  • suspended all sales of alcoholic beverages by entities deriving more than fifty percent of their gross revenue;
  • suspended the sale of such beverages for on-premises consumption;
  • limited the operation of bars to seated service; and
  • restricted operational capacity to half of the typical occupancy previously permitted,

the Fifth DCA determined that those executive orders did not amount to a taking of private property.Continue Reading Governor DeSantis’s COVID-19 Closings Not a Taking of Private Property

On April 2, 2020, Governor DeSantis signed Executive Order 20-94, which placed a moratorium on residential eviction actions related to the non-payment of rent. The purpose of the moratorium was to provide targeted, temporary relief to Floridians in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after granting several extensions, Governor DeSantis permitted Florida’s moratorium to expire at midnight on September 30, 2020.

While the expiration on Florida’s moratorium may come as a relief to landlords and a further concern to tenants, there remains a federal moratorium imposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) that continues to impact Florida rental properties.

Who’s covered under the CDC Moratorium?

Continue Reading How the CDC’s Moratorium Could Impact Florida Landlords’ Right to Evict Despite the Expiration of the Florida Moratorium