1986 gave us such memories as flocking to theaters to see Top Gun and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, groaning as that ground ball rolled right through Bill Buckner in Game 6 of the Series, and conducting a comprehensive review of Lee County’s parking regulations. Ok, maybe not that last one so much, but those other events might put in perspective that such a review of the regulations is welcome news!
At its May Management and Planning meeting, the Board of County Commissioners heard staff’s presentation of major proposed changes to parking regulations in the county’s Land Development Code. The PowerPoint presentation given at that meeting can be seen here. Staff summarized the highlights of the proposed revisions, and provided illustrations of actual properties around the county and how the revisions would affect those specific properties. Staff also shared its expectation of presenting the proposed revisions to the various advisory committees before going back to the Board for final approval this Fall.
Given the potential impact these revisions could have, it is definitely worth some time to review the proposals and voice your support or objection to staff and at the public hearings to provide input on the direction the regulations may take. Overall, the current proposals would mostly reduce parking requirements for non-residential developments. A summary can be viewed here.