On November 20, 2023, the Fort Myers City Council took a significant step toward amending the city’s Land Development Code. The proposed changes, presented during the council’s meeting, cover a wide range of issues—from new zoning categories to food truck regulations. Below are a few key highlights and potential implications of these proposed revisions.
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Jeff Wright
Jeff is a specialist certified by the Florida Bar in City, County & Local Government Law. He assists private property owners, developers, telecommunication firms, and investors in navigating the intricate realm of land use entitlements, zoning, and permitting. Beyond his legal practice, Jeff takes on the role of the Land Use & Environmental Department Chair.
Jeff received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida and law degree from the University of Denver College of Law. He may be reached at jeff.wright@henlaw.com.
Understanding the Impact of SB 540 Local Government Comprehensive Plan Changes
In the field of urban and regional planning, the passing of legislative bills can significantly influence how local governments shape the future development of their communities. A recent example is CS/CS/SB 540, signed into law by Governor Ron DeSantis and effective July 1, 2023. This bill introduces several substantial changes to the existing regulatory framework for land development and comprehensive plans in Florida.
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What options are available to challenge denial of a land use application in Florida?
Whether you are involved in rezoning land or obtaining a special exception, conditional use, variance, development order, or other entitlement to land in Florida, you will likely need approval from the local government where the property is located. But what if your request is denied? This article explores some of the common remedies available to an applicant in the event their application is denied.
If your application is denied, it’s important to know your options. While some jurisdictions have administrative remedies available for an applicant to exhaust (e.g., rehearing, reconsideration, administrative appeals, etc.), others may not. It is important to be familiar with local rules, including land regulations, ordinances, administrative codes, and any applicable staff interpretations. Exhaustion of available non-judicial remedies is an important consideration in any potential land use challenge.
In addition to exhaustion of any available local remedies, the following is a brief overview of some common legal remedies that could be available to an applicant in the event of a denial:
Petition for writ of certiorari
This process involves filing a fairly-detailed petition with the local circuit court within 30 days from the date of the denial. It can take many months, even years, to conclude. This is the typical “zoning appeal,” and the standard of review is whether the local government’s decision is supported by competent substantial evidence, whether there were any procedural due process violations, and whether the decision maker followed the essential requirements of the law. See Deerfield Beach v. Vaillant, 419 So.2d 624 (Fla. 1982). Each party typically pays its own legal fees.
“Consistency challenge”
New Collier County Short-Term Rental Registration Begins January 2022
Beginning January 3, 2022, Collier County will require registration of “short-term vacation rentals.” This includes any “habitable space . . . for a term of six months or less. . . . .” unless exempted under state law. To view the Ordinance, click here.
Some may recall that Collier County had a similar rental registration ordinance between 1996 and 2010. The old rental registration requirement was annual beginning in 1999, and a yearly fee was required. The new registration is a one-time requirement (although changes to ownership or the owner’s designated contact person must be reported to the County within ten days).
What do short-term property owners need to do to comply?
In most cases, to have a “code-compliant” rental in unincorporated Collier County, an owner must:
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Update on Collier County’s “Bold Steps” to Raise Revenue in 2018
Earlier this year, we blogged about various measures being taken by the Collier County Commission to raise revenue for various projects and improvements. These “bold steps” included (1) implementation of a 25% increase to the County’s tourist tax (from 4 to 5 cents per dollar); (2) presentation of a sales tax increase via ballot measure; and (3) creation of a stormwater utility.
The Collier County Commission reconvened in September 2018, after their customary summer break. September brought some surprises (e.g., postponement of the stormwater utility effort), and made clear that the Board once again has its hands full as it begins a new “season” and fiscal year. Below is an update on the status of these three important initiatives.
Bed Tax Increase
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Tax Increases: Collier County Takes Bold Steps for 2018
In staunchly conservative Collier County, Florida, tax increases are rarely popular. But when the increases are to the bed tax (a.k.a. tourist development tax) and the sales tax, the impact is a little easier to digest. This is mainly because, as compared to tax increases on real property, the bed tax and sales tax do not have uniform impact on owners of real property.
The Board of County Commissioners, in its present form since Commissioners McDaniel and Solis were seated in late 2016, took bold steps in 2017:
- to diversify the county’s economy through adoption of a bed tax increase;
- to address overdue improvements to infrastructure via a 2018 voter referendum that would increase the County’s sales tax by 1%; and,
- to solicit input on potential creation of a stormwater utility.
Bed Tax Increase
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Naples Chamber Discusses “After Irma: The Outlook for Small Business in Collier County”
Last week on Wednesday, November 15th, the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce hosted a panel of local business and government leaders, to discuss “After Irma: The Outlook for Small Business in Collier County.” Panelists included Michael Wynn, President of Sunshine ACE Hardware; Blake Gable, CEO of Barron Collier Companies;…
Conservancy Hosts Event on Fracking and Pushes for Ban in 2018
Last week, the Conservancy of Southwest Florida hosted Cornell University Professor Dr. Tony Ingraffea, as part of its “Evenings with the Conservancy” series who spoke on the “Effects of Unconventional Drilling” on November 8.
Oil & Gas in Southwest Florida
The evening began with an introductory presentation by Nicole Johnson, Director of Environmental Policy…