The term “due diligence” gets thrown around a lot in the development world, but often with little regard for what the term entails. As with all things relating to property, this post is in no way intended to encompass all considerations in due diligence as properties are unique and present specific needs of review. However, the following list provides a brief glimpse into items to review when you are considering the purchase of real property for development in Southwest Florida:
Continue Reading 8 Practical Tips for Land Use Due Diligence in Southwest Florida
"South Florida Water Management District"
REIS March Meeting Recap: Future Plans for Cape Coral
Posted in Real Estate
On March 8, 2016, the Real Estate Investment Society of Southwest Florida (“REIS”) held its monthly luncheon with keynote speaker Cape Coral Mayor Marni Sawicki providing an insight as to her vision for the future of Cape Coral.
What Lies Ahead?
Mayor Sawicki emphasized the message that Cape Coral should no longer be considered “Cape…
Water Quality Restoration in the Everglades: Why It Matters To You
Posted in EPA
Florida has long been admired for its long shoreline, tropical climate, and preserved natural beauty. For just as long, there has been strong debate over striking the delicate balance between man-made alterations to the land and preservation of its natural features. Recently, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) took another step toward preservation by…