Phase III of the Bonita Beach Road widening project may be dead in the water, at least for now. The Bonita Springs City Council has voted to withhold contributing any funds toward the widening of Bonita Beach Road from four lanes to six lanes between Old 41 Road and U.S. 41, according to the News-Press
"The News Press"
Habitat Women Build 2014

One of my favorite events I look forward to every year is the Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties Women Build. Women Build is Habitat for Humanity’s nationwide program to empower women to take action against poor housing conditions by recruiting, educating and inspiring women to build and advocate for simple, decent and affordable homes in their communities.
According to the Census Bureau, more than 16 million children are living in poverty. The good news is that since the program began in 1998, more than 2,100 homes have been built by women crews in the United States. For Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry Counties, this is the fourth year it has participated in Women Build.
Beginning in March of each year, women form teams to raise the money needed to renovate the homes. The women also physically renovate the homes, which are completed so they can be delivered to the families in May for Mother’s Day. This year, my team was comprised of members of the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association. We not only met our goal for the funds we pledged to raise, we also volunteered on various days to work on the home located in Cape Coral. The home was then officially dedicated to a wonderful mother, Vanessa Saez (pictured below), on May 10, 2014, just one day prior to Mother’s Day. There was an official Blessing of the Home, as well, at the dedication. It was an amazing experience!

City of Cape Coral and Lee County, Florida Anticipating New Land Use and Development Regulations to be More Developer Friendly
The News-Press recently reported that the City of Cape Coral and Lee County are proposing changes to their land use and development regulations in order to be more flexible in how property is developed and redeveloped.
In the City of Cape Coral, new land use and development regulations concerning South Cape Coral were unanimously passed…
Good News Continues for Cape Coral and Fort Myers Real Estate Market
In January 2012, I provided data showing improvement in the real estate market in the Cape Coral – Fort Myers, Florida area. There is even more positive news.
The News Press reports that Cape Coral – Fort Myers is 10th on a list of 101 housing markets showing improvement, according to an index released…